Letter from the CEO of the General Cosmetics.
- Posted by generalcosmetics.us
- On January 13, 2021
- ceo, Elena Grygoryeva, generalcosmetics, generalcosmeticsusa, letter
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
This is a Brief information about how was for our company 2020.
For the safety of our staff and clients, we switched to remote work where possible in our firm’s different offices at the end of March 2020. It has been a year of adjustment for us all.
Many of our clients faced their worst fears as lockdown. Very strict rules and policies have been introduced regarding the operation of beauty salons in many countries around the world. It was difficult for many of us to accept that this morning someone could not open their beauty salon, give the world beauty and honestly earn their bread.
But the beauty industry continues to operate. This year has taught us to be flexible. This year has taught us to value simple moments like hugs, freedom of movement and emotional communication with friends face to face.
We are so inspired to create new products for You in 2020. We have established contacts with many respected laboratories and in 2021 we are glad to share with you a New hair dye – Iguana Color Professional. In February 2021, our website will have all the updated information. For 2020, we have more than doubled our assortment in the direction of Professional Hair Care.
We are inspired do more and adapt to the new rapidly changing world.
When people ask us, “How do you deal with all these changes?”
We respond: “You get up early every day. You try your best and grind your teeth and persevere, love your business and your job, give your customers the best, give them your kindest emotions.
A very loud news media background sounds around all of us, analyze the information, draw conclusions, listen to your heart. Find your own peak hour. Be the number one.
Keep safe your friends. We are one, and we are in this together. We need to remind ourselves each day that life is good. And that we have a lot to be thankful for.”
Elena Grygoryeva